How to Build a Poker Strategy Step-By-Step Guide for New Players

How to Build a Poker Strategy Step-By-Step Guide for New Players

One of the most common mistakes poker beginners make is calling instead of raising. This is a mistake that can cost you a lot of money in the long run.

Understanding your opponents’ betting patterns is an important part of a basic winning poker strategy. It’s also essential to understand when it makes sense to be aggressive with strong hands.

Betting intervals

Betting intervals are essential for beginners to understand when learning poker. They help them avoid wasting money on hands that have little chance of winning, and focus their aggression on opponents who are weaker. This can improve their chances of making more money at the poker table.

Although luck plays a large role in winning poker hands, good players realise that there is a strong strategic element to the game. This means that players using good strategy can expect to win more money in the long run than those who play randomly. They do this by avoiding ego and making better decisions. This also means folding a lot of poor hands.


In Limit poker, you only have a set number of raises that you can make. This allows you to control the action and force your opponents to fold more often than they otherwise would. This is an essential part of developing a winning poker strategy.

Using your position wisely is also important in limit games. For example, players in EP or MP should play tight and open only with strong hands. Similarly, playing your draws aggressively can force weaker players to fold.

Remember to understand basic poker math and what your pot odds are. This will help you avoid making mistakes like calling with your draws.


Bluffing is an important part of poker strategy, but it can be risky. To be successful, you must choose the right opponents and time your bluffs well. You should also avoid attempting to bluff against bad players.

A good bluff requires a large enough bet to intimidate your opponent, and it should be consistent with your image and betting history. It should also be based on the strength of your hand and your position.

It’s a high-level play left to only the very best, and it’s not profitable for beginners. In addition, it can lead to bad beats if your opponent calls your bet with an Ace.

Blind bets

When playing poker, it is important to fold far more hands than you play. This way, you can minimize your losses and maximize your profits. To develop this skill, practice observing your opponents and studying their reactions and behaviour. This will help you make decisions quickly and develop good instincts.

It is also important to understand basic poker math and pot odds. For example, you should not be calling with a weak draw against players who are stronger than you. This is a common mistake that even advanced players often make. This can be very costly in the long run. If you want to improve your win rate, avoid making this mistake.

Big blind

Poker is a game of position, so learning the best way to play from each position at the table is crucial. Knowing how to adjust your strategy based on the situation will help you win more money over the long run.

One of the most common mistakes that new players make is calling bets too often. This can be costly if you’re playing with decent players. Instead, you should bet and raise more often with solid opening hands.

When raising from the blinds, you should play a tight range of good aces, broadways, pairs and suited connectors. This will keep your opponents guessing and prevent them from reading you.

Dealer button

In poker, the dealer button moves around the table each hand. The player who holds it is the last to act after each betting round. Observing and exploiting dealer button tendencies can greatly improve your game.

For example, some players may be aggressive with weak hands and chase improbable draws. Identifying these tendencies and adapting your strategy to theirs can maximize your profit. Aside from recognizing these tendencies, it’s also important to note any changes in your opponents’ behavior or patterns. This can help you adjust your bet sizing. It will enable you to make more accurate assessments of your opponent’s strength. This is known as player profiling.
